Kitesurf 4 Life

Erreichte Spendensumme:

0 €

von 500 €
Mit dieser Spendenaktion unterstützen wir gemeinsam das Projekt:

Wo es am Nötigsten ist

Sick Dog, as every year, organize a special Kitesurf Camp in Egypt with the aim to raise money for charity.

We call it the Sick Dog Challenge - where our kiters are welcome to kite as much as they can, during our kite safari, and Sick Dog will pay 25€ per 100km kited during the trip. We have over 20 trips per year, so that means potentially a lot of kms kitesurfed.

For more info about our trips and about our charity work, please check here. And as always, hope to see you on board!


Wo es am Nötigsten ist

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